who’s vincent

who’s vincent

neoslife is the canvas i have created to bring a vision for a new earth operating system to life. neoslife is the collaboration of every person involved, whether they are a member, explorer, investor, staff, management, support or anything else. on this page i am sharing a little bit more about me so it becomes clear why i am driving this project.

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"who am i and what am i here to do?" are the most difficult and the most important questions in life. when i know who i am i know what i need to do. my being informs my doing. most of us spend our whole life trying to become someone. it is a painful and never-ending process that i know all too well. i have spent the last eight years looking for the answer and i am committed for the rest of my life to live it and empower those who seek it to do so as well. when i am, everything changes.

what we seek is ever present and within us. it was, is and always will be. being stuck in the mind keeps us distracted from actually feeling yet that is what we yearn for the most. many of us experience something constantly nagging in the background. our drive to achieve and to live our genius becomes the nightmare of the insatiable need to obtain approval from others, trying to become someone.

but there's nothing to achieve or to become, we already are. the moment we recognise our eternal nature, we move out of our ego and into the heart and that's when we start flowing with life experiencing the feeling of bliss, love and serenity - no matter what is happening. am i in this state continuously? absolutely not. i am very human yet i have experienced this state and i am working hard at staying in it and not to fall back into the prison of the self.

before, i used to be an investment banker and startup founder. if the above sounds spiritual to you, it is. i used to be an atheist and i have come to understand that the answers lie beyond the realm of perception of the mind. yet you don't have to believe anything, experience is the most powerful teacher, the only teacher really. and you are your own most powerful teacher. no one else except you knows what you need to do.

as a coach and founder of neoslife, i am deeply committed to live the highest expression of myself and to empower everyone around me. it is a continuous labour of love. and it is work. it is the very work we all came here to do. the moment you experience your highest state of being, you know that it is.

if the above resonates within you, i invite you to get in touch. there is no randomness in life, it is simply the mind being incapable of seeing the connection.

as steve jobs famously said: "you can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.... so you have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. this approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."

with love, vincent

💫vincent’s coaching 💪vincent’s modalities🎙️what it means to be human