
vincent’s modalities

since 2015, i have explored everything that i came across to better understand myself, life, health, wellbeing and the world. here’s an incomplete list of those modalities. as you open the toggles, i share descriptions, experiences and my assessment of those modalities. various i had to experience to understand and realise ultimately that they are non beneficial in connecting with our true self. where relevant, we can explore those during our conversations.

breath work
constellation work
energetic body work
tantric healing
temazcal (sweat lodge)
tony robbins
vortex healing - energetic emotional healing practice

Steve Chandler’s ACS school - six month in-person training with one of the world’s best coaches
Hoffman Process: Powerful experiential seven-day residential program on parental relationships, childhood and healing.
Emotional healing and sexual intelligence: Tantric Journey with Julia
Constellation with Robert Rowland Smith
TransVision 2019: Transhumanist conference on the future and impact of life extension and expansion, particularly AI, health, education, politics and human values
CogX – Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology
Tony Robbins – Unleash The Power Within, Business Mastery, Life & Wealth Mastery, Date with Destiny – Personal, business, life and wealth transformation seminars
Learning Expedition with Joel and Michelle Levey – Year-long journey in Mindful Leadership, Transformational Practices and Contemplative Science Wisdom
Davos Blockbase – Supernode gathering of global changemakers during the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland
Explorers Course – Research-backed program that helps people to integrate fundamental well-being with everyday life.
Search Inside Yourself Leadership InstituteMindful leadership training introduced by Google
Yoga with Elina – Jivamukti yoga retreat
Contributor to the book Exponential Transformation on how to change your organization from within and come out ahead of massive industry disruption. Watch ExO’s founder Salim Ismail recently talking about disruptive innovation on US national TV.
Vipassana – Ten day silent meditation retreat as taught by S.N. Goenka. Participants have described their experiences here. If you want to intellectually understand how the retreat works, read Vipassana Meditation – The Art of Living.
HumiX – Co-creator inaugural conference for the evolution of humanity
Weekend University – Monthly academic psychology and neuroscience lectures
Nutrition and general health studies – including extensive research, testing and experimentation. I share my learnings in my daily food posts on Instagram and Facebook
Seclusion – Nine month period of deep introspection and seeking of inner peace largely withdrawn from social life
iDiscoverPersonal development program
Blockchain research and investments
Pilot and skydiving license (Argentina)
Kinnernet Portugal – Technology unconference
Extensive personal well-being research
Certified High Performance Coaching – Personally trained by one of the world’s leading coaches and author of the NYT bestseller High Performance Habits
DecelerateSpiritual retreat in Bali
Life, executive and startup coaching (since 2016)
Nomadic life – Explored the world for one year without a home base
Experts AcademyThought leader training and marketing
Spiritual experiences
Ayahusca and other plant ceremonies (since 2016)
Exponential Organizations (& ExO Works) – Organizational transformation advisory – Ambassador, coach, trainer and investor (since 2015)
Coaching and neurolinguistic programming training at Global NLP Training
Depression treatment methodologies research (since 2015) – You might find the following resources insightful: (to come)
Summit at Sea – invite-only conference of change makers and thought leaders (2015, 2016)
Burning Man (2015, 2017)
Coding bootcamp – Fullstack web development at Fullstack Academy
Psychedelic experiences (since 2015)
Exponential technologies at Singularity University – Global Startup Program (2010). What is this? Watch the movie.
Startup advisory (since 2012)