the following is a list of people who vincent has been working with over the years and whose work is deeply committed to serve others on their inner and wellbeing journey.
for the team behind neoslife, please see here.
if you are a spiritually practitioner
dr. nader butto unified integrative medicine
lisa margulies transformational coach
nuno rosa energetic body work
vincent daranyi transformational coach
learn more at vincent’s coaching
julie boulanger reiki and somatic healer
lindsay barrett yoga
marissa russell markova angel facilitator
melody sanderson vibrational medicine
dmitriy chernyavsky
dmitriy has been on the path of awakening consciousness for more than 15 years. he has been guiding people and sharing knowledge in the field advanced meditation and visualisation techniques, energy clearing and boosting. he has in-depth applied knowledge of the spiritual science infosomatics, numerology and related fields
there are many more to come - we just need to find the time to populate our trusted network. if you would liek to